
Max is 11 years old, he is obsessed with air pollution and decides to stop breathing or at least wants to do it as little as possible to not pollute and livee più a lungo. Lo confessa a Erika, la sua migliore amica: la notizia non la sorprende. 

Surprised instead are Max’s parents when they find him engaged in one of his daily apnea exercises. The parents take him to a psychologist who, in an attempt to help him, changes the shape of his obsession.

Directed by

Daniele Lince, Elena Beatrice

Isophonic Studio

Location Sound


Visioni Italiane 2019, Cineteca di Bologna – WINNER Visioni Ambientali
gLocal Film Festival 2019 – WINNER Audience Award
Fuoricampo Cinema Giovane FilmFest 2019 – WINNER Young Audience Award
T-Film International Film Festival 2019 – WINNER category “The Man and Society”
Kino W Trampkach 2019 (Cinema in Sneakers) – Official Selection
Fifej – Festival International du Film pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse 2019 – Official Selection
Too Short To Wait by gLocal Film Festival 2019 – National Premiere

Selected by the Italian Short Film Center for the school program “Corti a Scuola 2019”